
Blog - Dev Skin Clinic

Manage Your Body’s Weight Through Exceptional Guidance Of An Expert


Being fit and healthy benefits us a lot and in numerous ways, it not only flourish in our personality, but also majorly affects our state of mind and body. Healthy body triggers healthy mind and thoughts, which also help us perform better.

Facing too much of a hit for my overweight from numerous of people and analyzing all the benefits of the fit body, I was fully determined to shape up my body and opt a healthy lifestyle. But as my body weight was too much, so I opt for the for some professional guidance from Dr Dev Singh, who had given successful results to numerous of their clients.

Weight Management in Lucknow, firstly guided me to opt for minor changes in my lifestyle, as according to them those chances will steadily benefit my body and its function which will automatically benefit me in losing weight. We often think that for instant weight loss we should eat less and we skip our meals, but according to the doctor, this method is totally wrong as through this we damage our own body. According to him we should never miss our meals, in fact, we should nourish our body with healthy options at gap of every 2-3 hours. He also directed me to have heavy, but healthy breakfast daily, lighter lunch and lightest dinner along with small eating or drinking in between our major meals. He strictly instructs me for home – made foods and no junk foods or unhealthy snacks. Dr Dev forbids me for adding extra sugar or salt to my food as these are converted to carbohydrates which steadily enhances our weight.

Facing too much of a hit for my overi with iverw overwaight for m u numerous of people and analyzing all the benefits of the fit body I was fully determined to shape up my bodyy and opt a healty lifrstyle But Although, initial adoption of these things in my daily life was tough, but constant efforts and patience benefits my body and I was feeling more energize day by day. After then, he pushes me towards workouts through which I start losing my weight. Through my constant efforts, I loss around 5kgs of weight just in 1.5 months.

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